Break Free Challenge

Ready to break free from emotional eating? 

Forget about 10-day cleanses, rule-riddled diets, cutting out carbs and all those torturous "lose 7 pounds in a week" schemes... 

We're looking at the REAL reasons behind why we emotionally eat. THIS is the key to finding lasting change around food, body and weight! Join us?

Yes! Count me in for the challenge!

It's transformative. It's FREE!

Wanna learn how to stop eating at night when you're bored, how to comfort yourself without eating cookies, and how to learn the "art" of not eating when you're sad/frustrated/(insert other emotion here)?

“Jenn is seriously a light worker! I haven't been this happy in my life, and I have never had so much clarity and joy. I've lost 2lbs in the month I started working with Jenn - and I have had wine, pizza, chocolate and cheese. I'm loving her method and loving my life” -Orsi, Caymen Islands
